Anunciar Vaga

Consultant On Social And Educational Issues (early – Rio De Janeiro

Tempo Integral
      Rio de Janeiro       28/09

United Nations

United Nations está com vaga(s) de emprego para Consultant On Social And Educational Issues (early – Rio De Janeiro em Rio de Janeiro



Consultant On Social and Educational Issues (Early – Rio de Janeiro


Result of Service
The Consultant on Social and Educational Issues (Early Childhood) will produce an analysis of early childhood development in the State of Alagoas - Brazil, based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the New Urban Agenda (NUA), the Public Policy Observatory of Alagoas and other good practices in Brazil and Worldwide. The deliveries will contribute to support the Observatory as a tool to monitor and evaluate its public policies, and this topic was chosen to initiate a series of different technical reports. The purpose of this research is to diagnose early childhood situation and their caregivers to help improve and expand the ongoing programme in the Alagoas (CRIA). It also aims to analyse the applicability of the observatory’s data.

The Consultant will work in close collaboration with the operational and technical teams of UN-Habitat offices in Alagoas and Rio de Janeiro.

Work Location
Home based

Expected duration
The consultancy has an expected duration of two (2) months.


The main mandate of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is to promote sustainable development of human settlements and policies conducive to adequate housing for all. Within this framework, UN-Habitat supports central and state governments, as well as local authorities and other partners for the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, the 2030 Agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.

UN-Habitat helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, more inclusive, compact, integrated, resilient and connected places with better opportunities where everyone can live with dignity. It works with organizations at every level, including all spheres of government, civil society and the private sector to help build, manage, plan and finance sustainable urban development.

The Regional Office for Latin American and the Caribbean - ROLAC - is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Agency puts emphasis in developing and managing activities in the host country. Indeed, for the past years, UN-Habitat has expanded its portfolio in Brazil by working with the three tiers of government in order to support the formulation and implementation of more effective, sustainable, participative and socially fairer urban economic, social and environmental policies.

Through a partnership with the Government of the State of Alagoas to improve institutional and technical capacities of State and municipal stakeholders on sustainable territorial and urban development, UN-Habitat is now setting up the second phase of the project named “Sustainable and inclusive urban prosperity in the State of Alagoas”. This second phase shall lead to enhance State of Alagoas engagement toward sustainable and inclusive urban prosperity, through a better understanding of the urban setting, and the establishment or improvement of its public policies, plans, and actions.

In order to properly implement this project, a Consultant on Social and Educational Issues (Early Childhood) is required to ensure a good execution of the work programme.

Report to UN-Habitat Manager

The Consultant on Social and Educational Issues (Early Childhood) will report to the National Officer for Brazil and to the Project Coordinator, who will evaluate him/her.

Outputs/Work Assignment

The Consultant will deliver the following products:
Product 1: Work plan and Sampling design report
Description: Work plan including: (i) main attributes, objectives, and concepts of the analysis and the report; (ii) schedule/work plan; (iii) preliminary list with best practices about early childhood development in Brazil and worldwide.
Expected delivery date: 15 days after contract signature.

Product 2: Analyses Report of Early Childhood Development and its Caregivers in the State of Alagoas
Description: The deliveries are (i) a Report on Early Childhood Development and its Caregivers in the State of Alagoas; (ii) a report with the data used; (iii) an Executive Summary to synthesize the report.
Expected delivery date: 60 days after contract signature.

The definition of the Work Plan for the implementation of this Consultancy may include other activities beyond those indicated in this Term of Reference.

The Consultant on Social and Educational Issues (Early Childhood) shall assist in the implementation of the above-mentioned project according to the responsibilities indicated in the Responsibilities.

Under the overall supervision of the National Officer for Brazil and the Project Coordinator, the Consultant on Social and Educational Issues (Early Childhood) will:
The Consultant will be expected to carry out the following tasks:
I. Deliver a work plan for the consultancy process.
II. Learn about the Public Policy Observatory of Alagoas.
III. Participate in meetings with the UN-Habitat and other partners.
IV. Discuss with technical team members of the project the guidelines and expected r


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